
Road Master Towed Vehicle Brake Control Part # 14-6090 8700

owed Vehicle Brake Control; Invisibrake; Permament Type; Electrical Operated; With Break Away System; With LED Monitor; 8-3/4 Inch Length x 8-3/4 Inch Width x 2-3/4 Inch Height; 12 Volt DC; 10.8 Amp Maximum Power Drawn; 2 Amp Battery Recharge Rate; 80 PSI Maximum Air Pressure. Part # 14-6090 8700
SKU: 8700
Manufacturer part number: 8700
UPC/GTIN: 8700

InvisiBrake is a fully-automatic, progressive supplemental braking system that uses the electrical connections already in place on your towed vehicle (the towed vehicle’s electrical harness) to brake when you brake the motorhome — the same electrical signal that activates the towed vehicle’s brake lights also activates InvisiBrake.



  • Type: Vehicle Mounted Direct Proportional System
  • Display Type: LED Indicator
  • Includes Break Away System: Yes
  • Estimated Install Time (Hours): 0.5
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